- Colorado has 51,036 "clean jobs"
- 51,036 clean jobs equals 2.2% of all jobs in the state
- Colorado grows its clean economy sector by 5.6% annually
- Median wage for clean jobs in Colorado is $45,973 (median wage for all jobs in CO is $40,892)
Although these numbers are healthy and even one clean economy job is a good thing I still think that we can do better. Colorado's state policy, private investment, and incentives can all help grow the clean economy faster than the 5.6% listed above. I know this is definitely possible with the the incredibly smart and savvy people here in this state.
there is a really good chance
I would like to suggest a really great bargain. That is a solar exchange traded fund trading under the symbol {TAN} It trades around 2.50 down from 30 dollars 4 years. I believe that its one of the greatest bargain exchange traded funds out their. The fund buys stocks in the solar industry.
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